Tuesday, October 6, 2009

New Painting

This painting along with others is currently showing through Mondo Fine Art, a new venture I have just become a part of. www.mondofineart.com

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Also, things are happening. I am currently showing at Apple Frame Gallery www.appleframegallrey.com, Main Street Art and Frame, and at the Springville Museum of Art thru July 5th. I am the featured artist for a chalk art contest, it is located in Bountiful directly outside from my studio on historic Main Street. May 13-16. Upcoming show in October at Contemporary Design and Art in Salt Lake City. www.newart4utah.com.

First Post, Some Paintings.

So I am horrible at using computers, especially anything internet related. I am going to be using this as a place to post new paintings, mainly because I cant figure out how to update my regular site. www.aaronbushnell.com. Most posts here will be more technical in nature, and intended more for other artists to enjoy, and hopefully inspire. I know I frequent a few sites for constant inspiration, hopefully I can inspire someone with this contribution. I am going to stay as updated as possible, which lately, means maybe once a week.... If I am lucky. I am not going to post all drawings and paintings, just the decent ones, the internet has plenty of horrible art already. Enjoy.